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    Accredited Health Department
    Onondaga County Health Department is nationally accredited and meets rigorous public health standards necessary to best serve the needs of our community.

    Mosquito-Borne Disease


    4170 Route 31, Clay, NY 13041
    Phone: (315) 435-1649


    Fight the Bite
    Protect yourself and others from West Nile Virus (WNV) and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).

    Mosquito bites can spread diseases like WNV and EEE. Mosquito-borne disease is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito.

    Who is most at risk?

    Adults over 50 years old and children younger than 15 are the most at risk of becoming severely ill from infection.

    What are the signs and symptoms?
    Most people who are infected with WNV or EEE do not develop any signs or symptoms. However, both WNV and EEE are potentially serious illnesses. Signs and symptoms can include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, confusion, tremors (shaking), convulsions, muscle weakness, vision loss, irritability, drowsiness, numbness, paralysis, vomiting, diarrhea, and coma. Consult your healthcare provider if you have been bitten by a mosquito and develop any of these signs and symptoms.

    What about spraying?

    Visit our Frequently Asked Questions About Aerial Mosquito Spraying to learn more.

    Found a dead bird?

    The New York State Department of Health is no longer testing birds for West Nile virus. West Nile virus is present in all areas of New York State. If you find a dead bird, wear disposable gloves and:

    1. pick up the bird
    2. put it in a plastic bag and double bag it
    3. then throw it in your garbage can.


    Protect Yourself and Protect Others

    Get rid of water!

    • Mosquitoes need water to multiply. Get rid of any standing water around your home.

    Don’t let them in!

    • Make sure all windows and doors have screens. Repair any broken screens.

    Protect yourself when outdoors!

    • Mosquitoes are most likely to bite at dusk and dawn. If you spend time outdoors during these hours, wear long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, shoes, and socks. Spray clothing and shoes with products containing permethrin.


    Use repellent! Follow these tips:

    • Use an EPA-registered insect repellent.
    • Always follow the label directions to ensure proper use.
    • Look for repellents containing DEET, Picaridin, IR3535 and oil of lemon eucalyptus, para-menthane-diol, or 2-undecanone. Higher amounts of active ingredient provides longer-lasting protection. 
    • Do not allow children to handle repellent. Put a small amount of repellent on your hands and apply it to your child.
    • Use just enough repellent to cover exposed skin.
    • Do not use repellents under your clothing.
    • Do not spray repellent directly on your face, especially near the eyes or mouth. Apply repellent sparingly near the ears.
    • Do not use repellent on cuts, wounds, or irritated skin.
    • Do not spray repellent in enclosed areas.
    • After returning indoors, wash treated skin with soap and water.
    • If you suspect a reaction to a repellent, wash the treated skin with soap and water and contact your local poison control center.



    MBD Data


    Spraying FAQs

    Zika Virus




    Legal Notice



    Pesticide Information


    Product Label

    Anvil 10+10 ULV

    Product Label

    BTI Briquets

    Product Label


    Product Label


    Product Label & Supplement


    Product Label
    Perm-X UL 30-30 Product Label

    Spheratax SPH (50G)

    Product Label



    Click here to download a PDF of the Fight the Bite brochure

    Do you have stagnant water on your property?

    Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water (water which is not in motion or has no flow). If you have areas of stagnant water around your home such as on top of your swimming pool cover, rain barrel, or bird bath, you may want to consider treating the water with mosquito dunks.

    Mosquito dunks contain bacteria that kill mosquito larvae. They do not kill adult mosquitoes. Mosquito dunks can be purchased at your local hardware store. The dunks can only be used for containerized standing water and cannot be used for any type of flowing water such as a stream or pond. Please follow the manufacturer’s directions on the package for safe and proper use.

    Mosquito Dunk

    Mosquito dunk being placed

    in stagnant water


    For more information about mosquito control, contact the Onondaga County Health Department

    at (315) 435-1649 or visit:

    New York State Department of Health
    West Nile Virus
    Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    West Nile Virus
    Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)



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